Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Personal Mission Statement

My Mission Statement

My Mission Statement = Become like God

1.       God is perfect in all of his relationships and roles.

2.       He has developed attributes that bring a fullness of joy and power.

The most important thing to God is humankind.  His mission statement is, “For behold, this is my work and my glory – to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”
He deals perfectly with all people, even with himself.  In order to be perfect in all of his relationships and roles, God must always live in harmony with his personal values which are built upon the eternal principles of goodness and happiness.  He has developed the attributes that bring a fullness of joy and power.
1. My desire is to emulate my Eternal Father’s example and become perfect in all my relationships   and roles by following eternal principles of goodness and happiness. 
2. I also desire to develop the attributes that bring a fullness of joy and power.
This mission statement is a tool to use with planning.  It does not explain all the action that is needed to accomplish the vision.  It is a compass.  It will be a lifetime process and take regular planning to achieve the mission.

Organization:   Relationships, Roles, Attributes, Eternal Principles

I.                    Relationships to perfect
Relationships with:
1.       God
2.       Myself and Spouse
3.       Children
4.       Parents/Brothers and Sisters
5.       Ancestors
6.       Other

II.                  Roles to perfect

A.      Eternal Roles (in order of importance)

1.       Son of God
2.       Personal Master
3.       Husband
4.       Father
5.       Son
6.       Brother

B.      Temporal Roles (in order of importance)

Because these are temporal roles they are ever changing

1.       Home teacher
2.       Elders quorum instructor
3.       Student
4.       Member of Healthcare Administration Society
5.       Rexburg citizen
6.       U.S. Citizen
7.       Resident of planet Earth

III.                Attributes to develop  (schedule study and practice of values)

A.      Faith
B.      Hope
C.      Charity and Love
D.      Virtue
E.       Knowledge
F.       Patience
G.     Humility
H.      Diligence
I.        Obedience

IV.                Eternal principles, important to me, I seek to live by in order to develop perfect relationships and become like God. (These are not all inclusive but the principles I will focus on.)

-Always remember Jesus Christ.
-Draw near to the Lord and he will draw near to me.
-God and family are first.
-People are the most important.  Never let anything take precedence over them. 
-Remember that all people are gods in embryo.

-Keep my covenants and stand in holy places.
-Lock the door to sin and walk away from the window where sin may be seen.
-Pray always and plead for guidance from the Holy Ghost.
-Desire and ask for the best of blessings from the Almighty.
-Remember the priesthood is the power of God.  Use the priesthood to bless those in need and never do anything to discredit it.

-As a man thinketh so is he.  Fill my mind with positive, enabling, and hopeful thoughts.
-Be proactive.  Shape your world and carry your own weather.
-Believe that anything is possible with God’s help.
-Plan regularly or plan to fail.  Plan each week and always keep the big picture in mind.
-Be prepared so you may cast out fear.

-Be honest in my dealings with my fellowman.
-Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
-Protect those not present from destructive speech.
-Identify and develop talents, then use them for the good of all.
-Contribute to my community and country in the best ways I can.

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