All of us who are born on this earth, no matter our circumstances, ask ourselves certain questions, especially when we grow up, branch out, and learn about the environment in which we live. I think a common one would be: why am I here? We also ask ourselves, where did I come from and how did I get here? Many wonder if there more after we die. Do we continue to exist after death, if so where do we go and what do we do?
In fact
there are many who quarrel about the answers to these questions. No matter how well someone may contend their
answers are correct the truth will not change.
Truth doesn't change. It is the
same yesterday, today, and forever.
I would
like to share some truth with you that I have been given and am now sure of its
reality. The way I learned these things
to be true are through communications from a higher power, God. He communicated these things to me through the Holy Ghost. The Holy
Ghost speaks to us in our minds and in our hearts. He communicates an idea or a simple truth to
our minds and then he assures us it is true by bringing good feelings to our
hearts. Then we can experiment on that
idea communicated and find that it brings joy and happiness to our lives. Now I’m not the only one who receives these
communications there are many others and in fact God promises to speak to all
of us through this manner. In fact if you have evr felt a desire to do something nice for someone, that is a communication from the Holy Spirit. This is how I
know the veracity of these statements of truth I will now share with you.
There is a God. He is the father of the whole human race. Within our bodies dwells our spirit. We are spirit begotten sons and daughters of
God. He has a physical body and we have
been created in his image. He is immortal and lives perfectly. He knows all things that were, are, and will
be. He has all power. He cannot
lie. He is unchangeable. He is completely just and merciful. He is not a respecter of persons and loves
all of us equally no matter our actions.
He has a purpose and it is to teach us and to aid us to become like him
and live as he does.
This is one of the greatest truths
of all time, “As man is, god once was. As
god is, man may become.” He wants us to become like him. That is why we are here. I know this is true.
We used to live with him before we
came here. We did not have physical bodies
as he does and as we do now. We also did
not have the same character and knowledge that he has. He proposed a plan that would help us become
like him. This plan involved coming to
this planet so we might learn how to be like him and to prove that we love him
and want to live like him. We all agreed
to this plan.
It was decided that, in our
experience on this earth there needed to be opposition. There was one who opposed god’s plan, now
known as Satan, and influenced others to oppose it as well. There was a war and they were expelled from
our earlier home. They are now here and
have become the opposition. They will
stay as spirits and as punishment will never receive a body. While we are here they entice us to do bad
and God invites us to do good. We are free
to choose which path we will take.
God is
perfectly just. Justice means we receive
consequences for our actions. If we obey
him, there are good consequences and if we disobey him and follow Satan, there
are bad consequences. One of the
consequences is permanent separation from God. If we were permanently separated from God we
would never become like him.
I know that Jesus Christ is one in
purpose with the Father. They share the
same characteristics, omnipotent, omniscient, all loving, entirely just,
completely merciful, and of being unchangeable.
Jesus Christ lives today and has an immortal body. He has power to save us and bring us to the
Father. They can help us to be happy
like them.
I know the things I’ve shared are
true, because the Holy Ghost has let me know they are. You may know them to be true as well. If you pray to the Father of our spirits and
ask, in faith, believing that you’ll receive, in the name of Christ, if these
things are true, He will make them known to you through the power of the Holy
And upon knowing these things, let
us come to know Jesus Christ and God our Father and follow them so we might
become like them. I share these things
in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.
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