I'm doing this because of an assignment in school. I think it is a fabulous idea and I am totally invested in it but, I realized I didn't have the best understanding of what a book of remembrance really was, so I did a bit of digging. Here is what I found.
Encyclopedia of Mormonism
Author: Gardner, Cynthia M.
From antiquity God has commanded his people to keep records. In the days of Adam the people wrote a book of remembrance "by the spirit of inspiration" (Moses 6:5) to identify the faithful, to "know" their fathers (Moses 6:45-46), to define "the right of priesthood" (Abr. 1:31), and to promote literacy (see Moses 6:6). Biblical records indicate similar practices (see Ezra 2:62; Neh. 7:5; Ezek. 13:9; Mal. 3:16). Nephi 1, in the Book of Mormon, stressed the importance of family history. In 1 Nephi 3-5,the Lord commanded Lehi to obtain the brass plates containing a history of his ancestors before leaving Jerusalem, to "enlarge their memory" (Alma 37:8) so that his posterity might know whence and from whom they came and might not lose the language of their fathers. Later, the Savior admonished the Nephites to be accurate and complete in their record keeping (3 Ne. 23:7-13). He also quoted Malachi 3:16-18,which includes a statement about keeping a book of remembrance (3 Ne. 24:16-18).
Latter-day Saints are encouraged to prepare family records as a Book of Remembrance, containing patriarchal blessings, records of ordinations and other sacred information, as well as personal and family histories, spiritual experiences, and other evidences of God's goodness and love (D&C 85:9;128:7-8, 24). As a latter-day prophet said, "Those who keep a book of remembrance are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives. Journals are a way of counting our blessings and of leaving an inventory of these blessings for our posterity" (Kimball, p. 76).
Kimball, Spencer W. "Listen to the Prophets." Ensign (May 1978):76.
See also Book of Life; Genealogy.
A book begun by Adam in which were recorded the works of his descendants; also any similar records kept by prophets and faithful members since that time. Adam and his children kept a book of remembrance, in which they wrote by the spirit of inspiration, and a book of the generations, which contained a genealogy (Moses 6:5, 8). Such records may well have a part in determining our final judgment.
A book of remembrance was written, Mal. 3:16–18 (3 Ne. 24:16–18).
All they who are not found written in the book of remembrance shall find no inheritance in that day, D&C 85:9
The dead were judged by the books that contained the record of their works, D&C 128:7
Let us present a book containing the records of our dead, D&C 128:24
A book of remembrance was kept, Moses 6:5–8
We have a book of remembrance, Moses 6:46
Abraham endeavored to write a record for his posterity, Abr. 1:31
Most likely I will not add my journal entries because they are more private but I'll add things that I think are appropriate for the public.
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